What is a Hackerspace?
Hackerspaces are community spaces where people with common interests in computers, machining, craft, technology, science and art can meet, socialize, collaborate and work.
Who we Are
PDX Hackerspace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit shared community space. We work together to provide tools and learning resources to both local and global communities.
Workshops and Events
Check out our calendar of upcoming events, our collection of self-study workshop kits and other useful resources.
Come to an open house for a tour and grab an application for membership. Hope to see you soon!
Our Mission
The essence of hacking is to take something, improve it, then share it with the rest of the world. PDX Hackerspace fosters supportive community for hacking, creating, and learning in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Individuals here teach because they love teaching, and learn because they love learning. We aim to be a center of unique community, supporting the individuals here to explore and do what they love, to support other Hackerspace community centers to flourish, and to be an inspirational source of true education where anyone can learn what they need to live the life they want to live.
Ways to Give
Your donations help us keep PDX Hackerspace going and expand our reach to change more lives for the better. There are lots of ways to help contribute, so if you like what we do please consider supporting us through one of the methods listed below. PDX Hackerspace is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit and all donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to donate by cash or check; or receive a Letter of Acknowledgement, please contact donate@pdxhs.org. Thank you for your support!

Passive Donations
We're on Amazon Smile, Fred Meyer Community Rewards and Twitch Prime. If there are additional passive donation methods that you'd like to suggest, please let us know!
Equipment Donations
A few hundred LEDs? A plasma chamber? That missing classic piece for our ^H Computer Museum? If you have some equipment that you think we can use, please get in touch at donate@pdxhs.org
Hackerspace History
The Hackerspace Movement's origin can be traced back to the 2007 Chaos Communication Camp, an open air 5 day camping event in Germany, where a presentation on Hackerspace Design Patterns was given. At that time there were only about 50 active Hackerspaces, mostly in Germany. The information quickly spread and now over a thousand Hackerspaces exist worldwide with the number still steadily growing! We are part of that global movement that started many years ago and you can be too. If you'd like to explore how to start a Hackerspace in your area, get in touch! We want to hear from you!
Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you!